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General Information
LZ Type: Hospital
(All the same)
N 31° 04' 36" x W 97° 21' 53"
31° 04.61' x -97° 21.88'
31.07678300 x -97.36470000
FAA Nav ID: 59XS
Address: 2401 S 31st St
Temple, TX 76508
Comments: IMPORTANT IF LANDING UPPER PADS! Pilots contact MED COM inbound and prior to engine start/departure so that ventilation vents can be closed. This to prevent exhaust fumes from entering the hospital.
Group Specific Info
Group Nav ID:
Hospital Information
Trauma Level: 1 Pediatrics: N
Cardiac: Y Burn Center: Y
Stroke: Y HR OB/Gyn: Y
Security Phone:
Security Contact:
Radio Frequency:
Emergency Department
ED Contact:
ED Phone:
Record Information
Last Update: Nov 21, 2017 7:56am AE 51 AE51 Hillsboro, TX
Added By: Mar 28, 2014 1:06am AE 53 AE 53, Fairfield, TX
Weather Stations
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LZ Information
Location/Description: Rooftop pad: 2 aluminum pads Ground: 2 concrete pads surrounded by chainlink fence
Hazards: Ground pad has 100' poles wires on west side of LZ
Approach/Departure: Contact MedComm at 15 mins and 5 mins out for HEMS aircraft separation and pad assignment. Freq: Tx 462.950/PL 103.5, Rcv: 467.950/PL 103.5
Nearest Fuel
Name Dist Bearing IFR
None within approx 50 miles
Nearest Specialty Centers
Name Dist Bearing Trauma Burn Ped Neuro
McLane Childrens Hospital 0.6 108° ESE 1 N Y Y
Baylor Scott & White - Waco Hillcrest 27.0 108° ESE 2 N N Y
Comm Chan:
Jet A Fuel: No
Nav Freq:
Max Weight:
Instrument App: No